by Megan Wagner Lloyd
illustrated by Abhi Alwar
2023 / 170 pages
Have you ever thought your breakfast could be heroic? If you have, this book is for you, with every character coming from the most important meal of the day.
Our humble hero is Peggy Pancake, who comes from a suburban family of pancakes. Our story starts with Peggy late for breakfast (which seems to be cereal and milk) and missing the school bus. Not the best start to a day. When she gets to Winfred Waffle Elementary, a new kid, a croissant, is getting picked on by the “bacon bullies” and when Peggy stands up for him they become friends.
Things take a dramatic turn when Dr. Egg, the town’s leading scientist, gives a lecture to the kids, and the bacon bullies snag a vial from his backpack and put it in Peggy’s lunch. What they meant for ill, ends up giving Peggy superpowers. But because she didn’t know what the bullies had done, she doesn’t know why she can suddenly fly. There’s the usual, learning about her powers section, and then she has to face off against the villain of the piece, Dr. Breakfast Sandwich and his henchtoast. Fortunately, she has a sidekick to help her, Luc, the croissant.
Cautions would be a little breakfast food violence as Peggy beats back the bullies, and Peggy not being as forthcoming as she should be with her parents about her superhero identity. She does this to protect them but I don’t like the idea of kids keeping any secrets from their parents. Still, it is a minor element, as she did tell them right away when she first got her powers; they just didn’t believe her.
A 2024 sequel, Super Pancake and the Mini Muffin Mayhem, has Peggy taking on a babysitting gig. But even with the help of two friends, she’s still outnumbered by her five mini-muffin charges. And when a mad – or at least madly curious – scientist invents a mega laser that turns one of the mini muffins really, really big, it’ll take a Super Pancake to set things right. It’s another goofy, innocent adventure.