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September 8 – Running from God

“But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord.” – Jonah 1:3 

Scripture reading: Jonah 1:3-6

We might scoff at Jonah for thinking he can run away from the Lord, but we are no better than Jonah. You don’t need to be below deck on a ship, on the sea to be running away from the Lord.

Running from God is something we do all the time! God gives us a direct, can’t-be-confused, clear as crystal command, and we run in the diametrically opposite direction! We find all kinds of invisible ways, refined ways, and private ways when we flee from the presence of God. We are all runaway prophets because of our sin.

As one pastor has astutely said: “It’s not the parts of Scripture that we find difficult to understand that are the really difficult parts of Scripture. It’s the parts of Scripture that none of us could conceivably misunderstand that are the really difficult parts.”

God commands us to not commit adultery and to pursue purity, but we flirt with this sin when we allow ourselves to see images we should not see. God commands us to not bear false testimony against our neighbour, but we gossip about others thinking we have the liberty to do so. God commands us to honour those in authority over us, but we openly grumble about these authorities and find ways to disobey them.

What are some other parts of Scripture that are clear to understand from which we run away?

Suggestions for prayer

Ask that the Lord might work powerfully with His Spirit so that we will be eager and able to obey His clear commandments.

Pastor Jeremy Veldman is the co-pastor at Rehoboth United Reformed Church in Hamilton, Ontario, serving as Minister of Congregational Life. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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