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September 25 – The gift of the prophet

“When the sun rose, God appointed a scorching east wind, and the sun beat down on the head of Jonah so that he was faint. And he asked that he might die and said, “It is better for me to die than to live.”” – Jonah 4:8

Scripture reading: Jonah 4:5-9

The Lord is not done with Jonah yet. The Lord is still appointing, providing and directing. Now He appoints a worm to eat the vine so that it dies. He also appoints a scorching east wind. This was most likely a sirocco wind, which is more common in the Middle East, typically coming from the desert and reaching speeds of up to 100 km an hour. The combination of sun and wind causes Jonah to physically overheat. He also overheats with anger. He exclaims that he would rather die than keep on living.

Jonah’s emotions run deep. His blood is boiling. Anger has been defined as a person’s negative whole-body reaction that arises when he/she has made a moral judgement against a perceived wrong. This, in Jonah’s eyes, is morally wrong. It’s not right. He is very angry.

The Lord is working here. The worm, the shrivelling of the plant, the scorching east wind…The Lord is going to use it all as a real-life illustration for Jonah. As we’ll discuss more later on, the Lord will use this moment to counsel His angry prophet by asking him a series of questions.

The Lord often teaches us lessons about himself or the condition of our own hearts. These lessons regularly come in ‘living illustration’ ways that we would not have chosen ourselves. He does this in his wisdom and love, to help us grow and draw near.

Suggestions for prayer

Is the Lord giving you a “living illustration” in your life to reveal your sin? If so, ask the Lord to give you the eyes of faith to see it.

Pastor Jeremy Veldman is the co-pastor at Rehoboth United Reformed Church in Hamilton, Ontario, serving as Minister of Congregational Life. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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