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Saturday Selections – Oct. 28, 2023

Should Christian participate in Halloween? (2 min)

A very short take, offered for your consideration…

Economics for beginners: 5 articles to get you started

Economics is the science of human action, and if you want to get a good introduction to it, the Institute for Faith, Works & Economics has 5 articles to suggest.

Why I no longer use Transgender pronouns… and why you shouldn’t either

Former lesbian (and English professor) Rosaria Butterfield weighs in…

More studies show the harm of recreational marijuana use

Marijuana use comes with high costs, whether it’s emergency room visits for pregnant mothers, children born prematurely, or mental health issues among young men.

Comets show how secular science is assumptions built on assumptions

Comets melt each time they pass by our Sun. So if they were to do so for millions of years, then they’d all be gone by now, right? And yet Halley’s Comet is still scheduled for a 2061 return, and others keep flying by as well. So what’s up? Might comets still being around be evidence of a universe that is very young rather than millions of years old?

No, say secular scientists, certainly not! They instead see comets as evidence of a cloud of icy objects – the Oort Cloud – far beyond the outskirts of the solar system that hasn’t actually been observed, but must be there, because, well, we need something to explain why we still get comets. The idea is that every now and again the icy chunks way out there bump into each other and send a new comet flying inward toward the sun.

But not only is the Oort Cloud theoretical, so too is the way the ice chunks form. Two snowballs thrown at each other don’t generally cohere into one – as this article explores, what we see is disintegration, not formation. Which leaves us wondering once again, how do we still have comets?

Building an alternative economy

Don’t share your pronouns? Won’t apologize for your privilege? Aren’t putting a pride flag on your desk for the month of June? Can’t work on Sunday? Then maybe you aren’t welcome at this company anymore!

As mainstream businesses bow to the idol of wokeness, some Christians are trying to create an alternative economy where Christians can buy from, or work at, companies that aren’t spending their Monday morning team meetings trying to figure out how best to shake their fist at God throughout the upcoming week.

The commercial below is brilliant and funny and tears down the idols of woke culture, but it’s worth asking, what do we replace it all with? At just a minute long, it doesn’t have time for anything more than idol toppling, so we can be thankful for what the folks at Red Balloon accomplish here, even as we recognize the need to pick up the baton and carry it forward. More does need to be done – the Church needs to present the alternative to the false gods: our Lord, and His Truth, proudly proclaimed as such.

Christians have gotten really good at blowing up the other side’s hypocrisy, and we’ve gotten a lot of help even from non-Christians like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson, and sometimes from the most unlikely of allies like J.K. Rowling and atheist Richard Dawkins, who’ve both taken on transgenderism.

However, there is a problem with just dismantling the other side’s arguments and leaving it at that. If we’re not proposing Christianity as the solution, we are acting – whether we mean to or not – as if there is some other choice that could be made. We’ve become very good at exposing the idiot ideas of the Left for the unworkable nonsense that they are. But by not proudly and loudly sharing God’s better way, we are actually acting as if it must be unworkable too… or why else wouldn’t we share it? In our reluctance, in our silence, in our embarrassment, we are implicitly arguing for some middle ground, some neutral place, that is neither crazy nor Christian.

But the choice has always been between Christ and chaos (Matt. 12:30, James 4:4). Isn’t that plain enough to us by now?

As the great Will Rogers once said, “You can’t beat something with nothing.” Yet God’s people seem to keep trying. It’s time we shared the good news with the world that there really is an alternative to the craziness. They need Jesus. And they need to hear about Him from us (Romans 10:14-15).

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Saturday Selections – Oct. 21, 2023

Click on the titles below to go to the linked articles... On the Irreducible Complexity of sperm cells This video is not a Christian presentation, but the many precise and intricate steps it shows – one after another after another – that are all involved in the creation of a new human being can't help but have you praising our Maker. The link above is to an Intelligent Design article on just some of the amazing aspects of sperm cells. Pill may double a woman's risk of depression Christians have another reason not to take it: the pill acts not only to prevent conception but also "thins the uterine lining to hinder the implantation of a fertilized egg." A fertilized egg is, of course, an unborn baby, so one of the actions of the pill is to prevent any conceived child from implanting in its mother's womb. Why a No to trans, but still a Yes to gay "marriage"? (10-min read) The world is beginning to tread the line of rejecting transsexuality, even as it continues to embrace gay marriage. Christians can ask "If people aren’t gender-neutral, might marriage not be either?” Christian Nationalism and blasphemy laws Every nation has blasphemy laws. What they are just depends on what a nation considers sacred and profane. Why some in the Left embraced Hamas "One of the more ridiculous images to make its way around social media sites in the wake of the horrific attack in Israel was a photo of four Westerners with a sign, 'Queers for Palestine.'" John Stonestreet talks about this unity as being based on a mutual hatred of Western traditions. To put it more pointedly, what unites them is Who they hate. Taking a lesson from Pierre Poilievre In a recent exchange, Canadian Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre gave a Masterclass in dealing with hostile questioners – he managed to put an opponent in his place, all while really enjoying an apple. So how'd he do it? Click on the title above to get a fuller explanation, but the short of it is, as Tim Barnett explains below, Poilievre questioned the accusations. The attack was baseless so, in simply asking the accuser to explain himself more fully, Poilievre disarmed him. The takeaway for Christians is to do the same when we are attacked for our beliefs, whether about the unborn, creation, sexuality, or God Himself. The accusations will also be baseless, so our best response will often be to get our accuser to expose the emptiness of his attack by getting him to more fully explain himself. We, too, should question the accusation. ...