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Saturday Selections – Nov 4, 2017

Sing a little louder

As we approach Remembrance Day, this powerful nine-minute film serves as a reminder that there are battles to be fought today too. It’s about a German church during WWII that liked to sing praises to God. What could be wrong with that? Singing God’s praises is good, right? While we all know that evil is a temptation, we need to understand our hearts are so deceitful we can use even good deeds to distract ourselves from doing what God is really calling us to (Luke 10:38-42).

Big parts of accepted “Science” aren’t scientific

From the article: “Evolutionists have frequently criticized creationism as unscientific because of its basic commitment to the doctrine of creation ex nihilo—that is, ‘creation out of nothing.’ The idea that God simply called the universe into existence by His own power, without using any preexisting materials, is rejected out of hand by evolutionists since this would involve supernatural action, which is unscientific by definition – that is, by their definition. Yet, evolutionary cosmogonists maintain that the universe evolved itself out of nothing!”

Martin Luther and Jay Adams

Jay Adams has often been called “the Martin Luther of biblical counseling,” and in this article the author makes clear why that is such an appropriate comparison.

Suicidal trend in Young Adult/Teen fiction

In the typical public library, the Teen/Young Adult section will feature novels and nonfiction that promote sexual experimentation, make light of suicide, attacks Christianity, and pushes gender confusion. As this Breakpoint piece also emphasizes, parents need to be aware that Young Adult/Teen books are a spiritual battleground!

Wonderful news – extreme poverty has been halved!

Overwhelmed by a constant diet of bad news? Then consider this: God is blessing the world in an enormous way that most aren’t even aware of. Over the last 20 years, something unprecedented has happened – extreme poverty has been halved. Even as the population continues to grow, the number of people in extreme poverty decreased from 1.7 billion in 1999 to 0.8 billion in  2013.

The fatal flaw with Assisted Suicide

This video clip highlights the fatal flaw in assisted suicide. Today in Canada, we no longer view death as an enemy to be fought, but a treatment to be offered. And when we start viewing death as mercy, then our “angels of mercy” are going to start pushing death.

As Christians, we understand that while we don’t need to fear death – Christ has conquered it! – death is still an enemy. It is gross perversion to portray killing as mercy. Every one of us is made in His Image, and precious, and every life is a gift from God.

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