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Saturday Selections – Nov 11, 2017

It’s not about the cake

When a gay couple tries to force a Christian baker to make their wedding cake, it isn’t about the cake – they could get that done just down the street. What it’s about is forcing the Christian baker to affirm their sin.

Sexual difference run deep, new study finds

We know it because God says it: men and women are different.  And a recent study shows how those difference are evidenced in every part of our bodies.

How can we prove that objective morality exists? Point to it.

The folks at Stand to Reason show how to make a relativist uneasy.

My marriage is not an equal partnership and I don’t want it to be

Last week we had a post about egalitarianism vs. complementarianism. Soon after, Matt Walsh weighed in on how his own marriage is not 50/50, or 100/100, or anything remotely equal. And that is a very good thing.

We can rejoice that marriage will end…really

No marriage in heaven? What? But how can heaven be….less than earth? Tim Challies chimes in…

Classics every middle schooler and every high schooler should read

These two lists strike me as incredibly ambitious. But if our homeschooled children are able to read these, why would we expect less from our children in Christian schools? Parents, maybe you’ll see one or two, or a few, you might want to introduce to your son or daughter – the middle school list is here, and the high school list here.

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