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Saturday Selections – May 7, 2022

The relationship between Mohammed and Satan (7 min)

When someone claims to have a revelation from God there are three possibilities for us to consider:

  1. It is a product of only their own mind: they are making it up or are crazy.
  2. They are getting revelation, but it isn’t from God. It’s from the devil.
  3. They are getting revelation from God.

David Wood examines these possibilities when it comes to Mohammed…

Gen Z enters the ministry: 3 big challenges

As Gen Z hits 25, the culture they’ve grown up with presents them with 3 challenges their parents might not have had to face, or not to the same extent:

  1. growing up with porn at the ready on their phone
  2. Gender confusion – even in the Church we’re getting confused about what makes males and females different
  3. Opinions trumping facts – it’d more and more about “lived experiences”

A chance to speak up for the unborn

This week it was reported that the US Supreme Court may overturn Roe vs. Wade – this is the 1972 court case that legalized abortion in the United States. The reports are based on a leaked early draft of an upcoming Supreme Court decision, and this news has pro-abortion protesters camping out on the Supreme Court steps shouting “My body, my choice.” Of course, this same chant was recently used by some who didn’t want the COVID vaccines. But their appeal to bodily autonomy was labeled “selfish.” It was deemed good and right to pressure the unwilling to get jabbed because it was being done for the sake of others.

Whatever we might think of that argument, what we have here is a God-given opportunity to make a point. And what a swing and a miss it would be if we made that point about vaccines rather than the unborn! “My body, my choice” doesn’t apply when lives are at stake? Well, let’s take that to its logical end: banning abortion would save almost one million American lives every year! So let’s ask the Left, “If you think ‘my body, my choice’ is a selfish reason to refuse the vaccine, why would it be any sort of justification for killing a baby?”

Great pro-life shirts for sale

To help you speak up for the unborn, Canadians and Americans can order some great pro-life shirts from Choice42 (the same group that brought us the wacky and wonderful “Magic Birth Canal” video). You can see pictures of the three shirts on offer at the top of this page, and order them by clicking here on the title above.

Is brainwashing going to make a dishonorable comeback?

“Compulsory moral bioenhancement” is quite the mouthful, but it’s just a modern update for what, in the Cold War era, we called “brainwashing.” Now some bioethicists are proposing it as a supposedly legitimate alternative to execution or imprisonment for prisoners of war fighting “unjustly.” But who defines what’s just and unjust when the world has rejected the only fixed standard of God’s law? What ethics are these bioethicists standing on?

A case against the minimum wage

Some who support a mandatory minimum wage do so out of a sense of compassion for the poor. But does such legislation help the poor, or limit their options? In the clip below (from some years back) US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi makes a case that some of the people working in her office don’t need to make any wage at all because the experience of working for a United States congresswoman is so educational. That’s a good point. Trade school and university are expensive ways to learn new skills, so how much better off young people would be if they could learn what they needed via low-paying or unpaid internships instead.

However, in this same clip, Speaker Pelosi also argues for a mandatory minimum wage. She hasn’t applied such a rule to her own office, and yet she’s sure that it is the right thing for everyone else’s workplace. That’s hypocritical, to be sure (Matthew 7:2), but more importantly, it is arrogant. She has compelling reasons to carve out an exemption to the mandatory minimum wage for her own situation but is certain that in businesses across the country none of the millions of employees and employers could have different, but equally compelling, reasons to work for free or for some other sum that’s below the minimum wage.

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Saturday Selections – April 30, 2022

Meet one of Canada's anti-abortion influencers (6 min) Though this profile is by a decidedly left-wing outlet, it still can't help highlight how impactful pro-life warrior Laura Klassen, and her friends, have been on behalf of the unborn. Klassen's own videos, with her satiric takes on pro-choice "logic," can be seen here, here, here, here, and here, and you can also check out her BC-based pro-life group Choice42. It's wrong to play the pronoun game It's not harmless to offer up your "preferred pronouns" and Christians mustn't have any part of it. Why Disney has gone woke (10-min read) Why would a company that's built around family viewing decide to double down on an LGBT agenda so many families oppose? It's because Disney's new "customer base isn't kids. It's messed up adults." Walt's original "business model depended on a healthy national family" but today's "shareholders are not going to bet on a growth segment in the American nuclear family that doesn’t exist. Betting on dysfunctional adults with sizable disposable incomes makes a whole lot more sense." That's why "60% of Disneyland visitors were adults with no children." No-fault divorce ignores data... and children The UK is bringing in no-fault divorce with the argument that it will "remove unnecessary conflict from the process by ending the blame game — helping spare children from the harmful effects this can have.” But, as John Stonestreet explains: "This, 'the kids will be fine' line, is not just nonsense: it’s dangerous nonsense. It flies in the face of everything we know about the impact of divorce on the most vulnerable among us." The unlikely rise of Vladimir Putin (10-minute read) How did Putin rise to power? Thinkr offers book summaries – 10-minute reads with key insights from various bestsellers – and this time they've summed up Masha Gessen's The Man Without A Face, her biography about this infamous world leader. Does the free market help the poor than any other economic system? "As Christians understand, material wealth is not the be-all and end-all of human existence, however: Only market societies have generated wealth sufficient to meet the basic human needs of entire populations. Only market societies have generated sufficient wealth to generate widespread and organized assistance for those unable to care for themselves. Only market societies have generated sufficient wealth to promote other important human objectives, including nutrition and health, environmental protection, and even human happiness." Your cell has a DNA detangler! (5 min) Ever tried to detangle your daughter's hair? God has packed a tiny machine in each of your cells that does the same job for your DNA. This is so unbelievably cool! ...