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Saturday Selections – May 23, 2020

Surfin is illegal in the USA: A Beach Boys parody (2 min)

There’s no better way to kill the funny than to discuss a joke. But with all the vicious memes, and cruel editorial cartoons circulating the Internet, before I pass along this bit of parody it’s worth considering what Christians can, and must not, say about our elected officials. Romans 13:6-7 instructs us:

“Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”

That rules out the careless insult, and the casual disobedience. We can’t call our Prime Minister names, and can’t disobey his lawful orders without being able to show how those orders violate God’s commands.

But in our democratic system, our elected authorities are also our employees, and one of our roles is to evaluate their performance – we could even describe that as an authoritative role God has given to the electorate. So there may well be a time when, in the process of a”performance review” on our authorities, we have to use language they’d rather not hear. But it isn’t disrespectful or dishonoring to explain why Joe Biden is a hypocrite for insisting we should believe women except when one accuses him. And it isn’t violating Romans 13 to question the intent of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s recent gun ban. That’s legitimate job performance review material, even if the “interviewee” might prefer we don’t go there.

When it comes to our current COVID-19 crisis, we also aren’t violating Romans 13:6-7 when we highlight governmental excesses, even when we do so with a dose of humor. The fellow behind this video below may or may not be a Christian, but his Surfin USA parody illustrates an important point: some of our authorities are not exercising their powers with restraint.

These are the questions I asked about the viral “Plandemic” video

An investigative journalist tracked down the documentary’s producer and asked him some key questions. Michael Cook offers some sage advice as well, in his “How should we tackle conspiracy theories about COVID-19?

UN provides us some unintended comedy

This week the United Nations tweeted out a request to have folks ditch the words “husband” and “wife” to “help create a more equal world.” As Jonathon Van Maren shares, “the global community united in side-splitting gales of laughter.”

Why surrogacy is oppression

“…surrogacy exploits the vulnerable….Increasingly, surrogacy is about two wealthy men using a woman for her body, while appropriating a role that only she can fulfill.”

John Stonestreet and Maria Baer followed up their article above with: “Adoption is beautiful; surrogacy isn’t.”

Frog fossils found in the Antarctic

Does a warmer earth spell our doom? Frog fossils in the land of ice and snow would seem to say no.

Parents: slow down and listen

Tedd and Margy Tripp with important advice for parents: “If your children are saying ‘You never listen to me,’ it is because they feel you never listen to them. Slow down and listen.”

The spread of the Gospel (2 min)

“Every frame is one year in the last 2000 years of the Great Commission….It shows everywhere the Gospel has been preached, where churches and Christian gravestones first show external evidence of that work, and where churches and Bibles are accessible today.”

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