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Saturday Selections – May 16, 2020

What’s the Reformed perspective on the UFO videos? (1-hour podcast)

Last month the Pentagon declassified three videos of what they termed “unexplained aerial phenomena.” The videos had previously been leaked to the Internet back in 2017, so what was newsworthy now was the official confirmation of their authenticity.

What should Christians think of claims that we are being visited by alien civilizations? Pastor Jeff Durbin and his crew at Apologia Radio offer a fascinating take. If their 1-hour podcast is a bit too long for you, a Reformed perspective on UFOs can also be found in our review of Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection.

The problem with mailed-in ballots

With COVID-19 keeping people in, there’s been pressure in the US for more States to switch from in-person voting to using mail-in ballots instead. While voting by the post might be more hygienic, it has a downside: mail-in ballots aren’t secure. When we go into a voting booth, no one knows what choice we make, so no one can threaten or bribe us to vote as they want us to. But when someone can watch you fill in your ballot, then pressure can come from spouses, parents, friends, careworkers, and others.

The false dilemma of Science vs. Faith 

Dr. John Byl has a fascinating summary of a debate over Science and Faith that took place in the pages of the Dordt University publication Pro Rege. It began with an explanation as to how “Science vs. Faith” is “the Great False Dichotomy” (because the real battle is not Science vs. Faith, but actually between the Christian worldview and an anti-Christian worldview). and then heated up when Dr. Arnold Sikkema wrote a letter to the editor, against the original article. And then his letter garnered its own reply.

5 ways to protect your kids from pornography

The most important way? Talk to your children early – be their first teacher, and therefore their go-to, for this topic. Don’t let a video, seen on their friend’s phone, be their first exposure to what sex is.

Parents: don’t shame your kids

Tedd Tripp on how we parents have to come alongside our kids as fellow sinners, and not simply as judges.

Quarantine stereotypes (10 minutes)

The 5 friends at Dude Perfect offer up a slice of quarantine life.

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