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Saturday Selections – Mar. 15, 2025

House of David show is making things up

Wretched TV’s Todd Friel doesn’t hold back on Amazon’s new biblically-based series about King David. His arguments are both theological and practical. Even the best-intentioned scriptwriters, in writing a series about the family life of David, will need to make all sorts of stuff up.

Even for events that the Bible lays out in more detail, as happens with The Chosen, which has four Bible books to work with, they still have to make all sorts of things up.

The indiscipline of overwork

I read this at first thinking it was by a Christian (it probably isn’t) because it just made so much sense: don’t abuse the gifts God has given you.

What Spiderman got right and Wicked got wrong

Today’s stories – the movies (and books too) that Christians will feed their children – are more and more often blurring good and evil. As John Stonestreet writes:

“In Maleficent, the bad queen is working through her trauma of not being invited to Sleeping Beauty’s christening. In Wicked, the wicked witch is a victim of discrimination and corruption. Likewise, Mufasa explores the sympathetic backstory of Scar and offers good reasons why he became evil. In this brave new world, the heroes and villains aren’t all that different after all.”

As dissenters exit, the CRC resists same-sex affirmation

We can praise the Lord that the CRC seems to be taking steps back from liberalism, which has been made easier by the exit of some of the most liberal congregations. But while these congregations’ exit is something to rejoice over, they need our prayers that God may yet turn them back from their sinful arrogance. And we should pray, too, that the Lord will keep us from succumbing to arrogant pitfalls of our own devising (1 Cor. 10:12.).

Besides being our new prime minister, who is Mark Carney?

ARPA Canada on Carney’s view of government, and what values he thinks should guide it.

Trump’s tariffs didn’t help the US last time he was in power

The last time Trump was in office, he implemented tariffs then too. And while it helped the American steel industry, it hurt the other parts of the American economy that use steel: car manufacturers, construction companies, washing machine makers, and more. All of them had to raise their prices and, consequently, saw fewer sales than they might have otherwise. So, as this video explains, America’s tariffs hurt their country much more than they helped it. That means our former prime minister Justin Trudeau got one thing right when he said tariffs are “dumb.”

But if tariffs are dumb, why would Canada try to counter them with our own dumb tariffs? And export tariffs on our energy? That’s akin to punching yourself in the face to save the bully the trouble. Free, unfettered trade – on our part, even if others don’t reciprocate – recognizes that what Canadian citizens produce and what they buy is their business. A government that thinks it should limit what cheese you can buy is a government that recognizes no limitations to its reach.

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Saturday Selections – Mar. 8, 2025

5 signs you should consider seminary Is God calling you to be a minister? Here are 5 points worth considering. While this is Westminster making its own pitch – they end this with a plug for their school – the 5 points are worth considering whatever your preferred seminary. A whole list of reasons to consider marrying younger The world says to wait on marriage until you've got your career going, or you've got the house you want, or you have a certain amount of money put away. Tim Challies has some other thoughts... 10 examples of "evolution in action" If evolution were true, then there should be examples of it happening today, right? So what do we find when we look at the best examples of "evolution in action" that are on offer? What we find are examples of natural selection acting on: traits that were already present in the population, traits that were already present in the genome, but were unexpressed, genuine novelties which, however, did not increase the design sophistication of the organism In other words, what we don't find is any increase in complexity – we don't find the sort of progress that would be needed if Man was to have evolved from simple molecules. This is a longer read, but a good one to highlight how the best that evolutionists can offer is unimpressive. The devil is real Sometimes it seems as if Christians don't really take the Devil seriously, and consequently we aren't ready for him. But what better explanation is there, for the support of transgender mutilations, than that there a Prince of Lies (1 Peter 5:8) actively seeking to destroy? The tragedy of IVF "Do I regard children born via IVF and surrogacy as human? Of course I do, unequivocally. But tragically, a society that sanctions IVF and surrogacy cannot say the same." - Carl Trueman Annie Wilson's Rebel "Who talks to a Man they cannot see..." ...