A seed that walks? Absolutely awn-some! (5 min)
These seeds can walk and dig themselves into the ground!
Psychology’s culpability in the transgender movement
The transgender movement’s devilish overreach – trying to force us to say boys can be girls and girls can be boys – clarifies for us what Paul meant when he said the wisdom of the world is foolishness in the sight of God (1 Cor. 3:19). “Experts” can be delusional.
We’re in freefall because we’ve never had it so good (10-minute read)
Prosperity is blamed here as a key culprit for our culture’s ongoing decline in civility. Good diagnosis, but this secular article offers no hope.
However, there is hope. Some 300 years ago. Cotton Mather explained that: “Religion begat prosperity, and the daughter devoured the mother.” If the good times have our nation turning from our good God, then the solution is to urge them to repentance.
Most US teens are watching porn regularly
This is a must-read for parents, which has help to offer.
The Synod of Dort and the Sabbath (10-minute read)
Today many evangelicals might argue that there are 9 Commandments and not 10. However, in the article linked above Dr. Bredenhof weighs in on how the Synod of Dort made the case for 10, and Pastor Wilson offers a very different defense in his 11 Theses on the Glory of the Lord’s Day.
How do Canada’s 2001 climate predictions measure up? (11 min)
Today’s Canadian government is increasing the cost of energy based on dire predictions of what will happen to the climate if they don’t.
But how good is the government at prognostication? Are they prophets or pretenders? In the video below, John Robson takes a look back at Canada’s 2001 climate predictions and asks, if they got it wrong then, why should we trust that they are reliable today?