Click on the titles to go to the linked articles…
Motorized machines in your cells? Yes there are!
Kinesin are “motorized transport machines” that transport materials around the cell to their proper locations – that’s why they are known as the “the workhorses of the cell.”
Oops, I locked my wife in the chicken coop!
This is Ray Comfort with the most original plug for a gospel tract that I’ve ever read.
Why true charity can only blossom under capitalism
This article starts with some $10 words, but makes the point that:
“If a pickpocket robs Peter to pay Paul, the pickpocket is not being charitable. And neither is Peter, because he had no choice in the matter.”
It is not care if the government does it – it is compulsion. And if the government has to do it because no one else will, that only shows the extent of that uncaringness.
As a single man, I felt little pressure to get married. I wish I had. (10 minute read)
Not all are called to marriage. But in a culture that hates marriage, marriage needs its defenders… and nudgers.
Also important here is the idea that Christians can defend one thing without then becoming guilty of denigrating the other – ie. that marriage is being defended does not mean that those who are single are necessarily being attacked or shamed. Some singles are being called out, but only those who are being passive about it. Life passes us by – we bury our talents (Matthew 25:14-30) – when we don’t make choices.
10 fantastic books to understand Genesis
The producer of the documentary Is Genesis History? has 10 books to recommend for doing a deep dive.
Buy dirt (4 min)
A celebration of family, marriage, hard work, and blowing up your TV.
And dirt. That too.