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Saturday Selections – Dec. 28, 2024

Click on the headings below to go to the linked articles…

Scientist discovers “Cellular origami”

This is insane: these cells can expand from just 40 microns long to 1,500 microns in length in an instant. That’s the equivalent of a 6-foot-tall guy suddenly stretching from the baseline on the end of one basketball court to then, without moving, dunk the ball, not even on the opposite net, but twice that distance to the practice hoop 200 feet away.

Click on the heading above to read the article or the video below to see this cell stretch.

Hospitality: another command that’s good for us

Hospitality can still be intimidating, but this article assures us that “with practice, you’ll grow more comfortable with your guests, and there are tips and tricks that make it easier.”

Vetting kids’ entertainment isn’t a one-and-done

As Brett McCracken highlights, there really are no kids’ shows that you can rely on to stay safely propaganda-free.

How divorce never ends

A child of divorce on why divorce should be a last resort:

“…divorce will affect your kids for the rest of their lives, well into adulthood. They will have split holidays and summers. They will have stepparents. Their kids will have step-grandparents. Whatever inheritance they would have been entitled to is often being divvied up with other spouses and their kids. More important than the money, however, is the attention they’ll never get because their parents are dating or remarrying or whatever. They will only be with one parent half of the year — if they’re lucky: we only saw my dad twice a year. They will have to choose who gets Christmas, forever. Or they will be bouncing around at holiday time with their kids, just like the old days.”

Where did the Flood’s water go?

Some critical questions get asked and answered so often they become “a PRATT. That is, A Point Refuted A Thousand Times.” This is one of those. Interestingly enough, the unbelieving world has their own flood questions to answer.

Why you should use the Socratic method when you witness (7 min)

Ray Comfort shows the importance of questions when talking and witnessing to folks in the world.

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Saturday Selections – Dec. 21, 2024

The perfection of beauty Even if rap isn't a favorite musical genre, you may well be impressed by this, from Blair Linne, wife of Reformed rapper Shai Linne, with her introduction to his Attributes of God album.... It's amazing what happens when you repeat pro-aborts' arguments back to them In this exchange between a pro-lifer and a passerby, we see that we don't all have to be brilliant debaters to stand up for the unborn. The pro-choice side is horrible, so sometimes the best argument can simply be to get them to plainly state their position. And they may well be shocked at what they hear themselves say. Pastoral Q&A: How often should I confess my sins? "You could also simply take the two great commandments and ask: how did I fare in loving God with all my being and my neighbour as myself? Or you could think in terms of sins of omission and commission. Where did I fail to do what God commands today (sinning by omission)? Where did I directly contravene what God positively commands (sinning by commission)?" Does biblical submission of a wife position her to be abused by her husband? The biblical doctrine of male headship in marriage is being denounced as simply a means for abusive men to dominate and abuse women. But that's not true. You are your body "It’s odd that after years of being accused by atheists and materialists of being trapped in our spiritual fantasies and ignoring the real world, Christians now find themselves as the ones saying that the physical world – especially the human body – matters, is real, and is of utmost significance. But here we are. If Christ came in the likeness of men, if He promised to redeem humanity, and if our humanity includes the body, then our bodies really do matter." Russ Tamblyn’s unforgettable “Shovel Dance” (3 min) This is an absolute must-see (even if the movie it is from is not). ...