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Saturday Selections – August 20, 2022

Trick shots from level 1 to 1oo

School has been out for a while now – are the kids getting antsy with nothing to do? Here’s something that may inspire a bit of fun!

Indoctrinated by the Matrix

“In itself, indoctrination is good; children have to learn the rules and virtues, and be molded gradually into adults who will be capable of living wise and good lives. But how are they indoctrinated, and into what? We used to assume that each generation would be a lot like the one before it. No longer. But why not?”

Scientists are undermining our trust in science

“A just-published exposé in the journal Science claims that a seminal study on the causes of Alzheimer’s disease may contain falsified data….”

4 guidelines for dating without regret

  1. Stop acting like you’re married when you’re not
  2. Make intentions known when you’re dating – ie “I would like to take you on a date this weekend” vs. “Let’s hang out some time”
  3. Foreplay is not play
  4. Realize that you are not already committed

Monkeypox: we can stop it but health authorities aren’t shouting out how

Even as authorities said COVID-19 necessitated church closures, they let BLM protests proceed. We’d be mystified as to the contradiction if God hadn’t told us there are spiritual forces seeking to oppose His Church and champion chaos. More recently the Devil’s fingerprints are evident in how monkeypox has been declared a “global health emergency” even as the obvious cure isn’t being shared. It is getting attention because of the group afflicted (homosexuals), however the prevention (stop messing around!) is only being obscured because it involves taking at least a step toward God’s standards for sex.

Privacy: who needs it?

We’re getting tracked by giant social media companies, but, more importantly, by our governments too. But if we’re not doing anything wrong, why should we care if they know what we’re up to? Well, in a world where the norms are constantly changing, your politics and especially your biblical stances on sexuality could be used against you at a later date. The video below is a libertarian perspective but it offers thoughts worth Christians’ consideration too.

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Saturday Selections – August 13, 2022

Fantastic fireflies! (8 min) Most everyone would say fireflies are super cool, but we really have no idea. God has crafted a creature that has a near 100% efficiency in turning the energy they produce into light. Compare that to an incandescent bulb that might well be just 10% efficient. A A biblical case for limited government (15-min read) J.P. Moreland offers up his 7-point argument for why Christians should want, and so far as they are able should promote, limits on government. Pastor, what are your 30-year goals? This is directed at pastors, but relevant to us all. It's said "man makes plans, and God laughs" but that's not a discouragement to making plans, but to making arrogant plans – it's in line with what Jesus said about a fellow building his "farming empire" who gave no thought to how God could call him to account that very night (Luke 12:16-21). For God's people, prayerfully setting off in a deliberate direction is about trying to best use the talents God has given you (Matt. 25:14-30). On job satisfaction Some are blessed with many job opportunities, particularly early on in their lives, so if they don't like what they have, the possibility exists for seeking out something more enjoyable. But what if you're stuck in a job you don't like, and there aren't options for anything better? Tim Bayly offers some insights and encouragement... 5 guidelines for dating without regret Tim Challies weighs in with some helpful direction... China's social credit system (6 min) A refugee from China warns us of the oppressive government monitoring system he fled. What he describes happening there is not simply technologically possible here, but is becoming ideologically so, as more and more are demanding government manage ever-increasing portions of their lives. ...