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Saturday Selections – April 28, 2018

Rosaria Butterfield on hospitality

On how hospitality is both easier and more radical than we know. And far more important too!

Why I am a creationist

Kenneth Gentry weighs in with a thorough response to the Framework Hypothesis, while, near the bottom of this page nine PhDs explain why they believe in a 6-day creation too.

What Christians should know about embryo adoption

Hundreds of thousands of children are waiting to be born. Here’s what God’s people can do to help these helpless children.

Advice to guys who want to date my daughters

“Do not tell her you ‘like’ her and put the ball in her court. Take some responsibility….Make a formal, in-person invitation. Since this is a ‘date,’ ask the girl to go out with you. Call her if you have to, but take the highest form of communication. Don’t be a coward and text it. Don’t post it on Facebook. Ask cheerfully. Ask privately. Ask clearly. And by the way, don’t just ask her to ‘hang out.’ What’s that?”

What are the biblical warnings about government?

“The debate about the size and role of government has huge implications for the lives of individuals all over the world. Important as the issue is, Christians are divided about what scripture has to say about government. What are some considerations that can help us frame this debate and work towards a conclusion? The Bible sets out four principles that can provide a foundation for the discussion.”

The deadly gospel of nice

“…nice isn’t the same thing as love. True love is concerned with the good of the beloved, and can never be divorced from the truth of how God created us and intends us to live. When we ignore that truth, we can “nice” people to death.”

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