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RP’s “What needs reforming today?” contest!

505 years ago, Martin Luther courageously nailed 95 revolutionary opinions onto the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.

As children of the Reformation, we recognize our natural inclination to drift away from the LORD, requiring continual reformation in our hearts, families, schools, churches, and society.

Our challenge to you is to make the case for something that needs reforming in 2022. It could be how we manage creation, farm, observe the Sunday, invest our money, use smartphones, take part in Young People’s Bible studies, or something entirely different. Here is your opportunity to nail your own thesis!

Teachers, this could be a great project for your students.

And we aren’t just looking for essays (though they are welcome too). We welcome contributions of art, cartoons, satire, and any medium that you desire to make your point.


  • Youth (under 18)
  • Adults (18+)


  • Maximum two entries per person
  • Work must be faithful to God’s Word, also as preserved in the great Reformation
  • Must be an original work
  • No minimum length. Maximum 1,500 words or two pages
  • Submitting your work requires giving permission to RP to publish it online and/or in print if selected by the editor


  • $100 gift card to and $50 for the runner-up for both categories
  • Winners may be published in Reformed Perspective


  • Send your submissions to [email protected] before December 10, 2022;
  • For youth submissions please include age, and permission from parents for the article to be used by RP.


* While Luther did write his 95 theses, it turns out it is less certain whether he “nailed it” or mailed it

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