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October 9 – The land of promise

“For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God.” – Hebrews 11:10

Scripture reading: Genesis 13:1-18 and Hebrews 11:8-10

In Genesis 12, Abraham arrives at Shechem, in the Eastern part of Canaan. It was there that Joshua, in Joshua 24 would renew the covenant with the Lord. It became an important place because of its redemptive history. That land would be the land of Abraham’s descendants.

As the Hebrews endured slavery in Egypt, it was the promise to Abraham that was reiterated to Moses. However, even a land that they could call their own was not the ultimate goal. Even possession of the land of promise in this life was still a shakable reality. After all, Babylon and Assyria are remembered in the Scriptures for exiling God’s people from that land. But, Hebrews 11:10, speaks of a different city -not Shechem, not Jerusalem, but rather, Jerusalem the Golden. It is not a city built by the Canaanites or even the Israelites, but rather by God. Our Scripture passage says that God is the Architect and Builder. This Architect drew the blueprint for that city long before Abraham was called by God. From before the foundations of the world this city was planned.

Abraham looked and waited for it and we do as well. We are called to be stewards in the world, but, as Philippians 3:20 reminds us, our citizenship is in heaven. Jerusalem will be our dwelling place, by grace through faith, and Hebrews is not talking about Jerusalem in war-torn Palestine. Can you see that city, by the sea of crystal? So did Abraham.

Suggestions for prayer

Thank the Lord for the promise of a city not of this world. Ask the Lord for patience and diligence as we await its appearing.

Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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