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October 24 – The excellence of knowing Christ

“Yet indeed I also count all things loss, for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord…” – Philippians 3:8

Scripture reading: Philippians 3:1-11 and Mark 10:17-31

In this glorious section of Scripture, we see Paul’s powerful confession of faith in the supremacy of Christ over anything else in life. As we can see in vv.1-3 Paul is warning his friends against false teachers who trust in the rite of circumcision for salvation, rather than in Christ alone. Paul at one time made his boast in things of this life, which he believed counted for his standing with God (vv.4-6). But in comparison to knowing Christ, they were nothing but “rubbish” and to be counted as “loss” for His sake! (vv.7-8). For what can you add to Christ’s saving work to secure your eternal standing with God? Nothing! And this Paul joyfully proclaims.

Do we see the “excellence” of knowing Christ and being found “in Him”? Do we see the glory of having an imputed righteousness added to our account, which reckons us right with God and no longer the objects of His holy wrath? Paul knew this and declared it with great joy! For it is by grace, through faith alone in Christ, that we are saved and not by our family lineage, our education, church attendance, baptism, or good works. For anything we could put in place of Christ or alongside Christ for our salvation fails in the sight of God. Our comfort in life and in death comes only in the fact that we belong to a faithful Saviour, Jesus Christ! And knowing Him is the greatest joy of all!

Suggestions for prayer 

Let us give thanks and rejoice in the perfect work of Christ on our behalf! Our salvation is by grace alone apart from works. Pray that the Lord would help you to live a thankful life to Him and that you might share the good with others.

Rev. Merwin serves as minister of the Immanuel United Reformed Church of Listowel, Ontario, Canada. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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