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October 23 – Walk by faith

“By faith the people crossed the Red Sea as on dry land…” – Hebrews 11:29

Scripture reading: Exodus 13:17-14:31

Pharaoh changed his mind. After letting the people go, he realized his labor force was headed East. He decided to force them back. However, the Lord protected the people. The pillar of cloud and fire that led the people moved. Now, it separated the Israelites from the Egyptians, making it dark on one side of the cloud and light for Israel. They crossed the Red Sea which the Lord had miraculously parted. When the Egyptians tried to cross, the Lord let the waters return and the Egyptians were drowned.

By faith, God’s people crossed the Red Sea. This becomes a picture of salvation, as mentioned in our baptism form. The same path which gave life to some, was the occasion of death for the others. Through water, Israel received life; by water, Egypt received death. The same waters of baptism which picture Christ’s blood washing away all of our sins, will be the same waters that picture death, if the salvation pictured is rejected.

By faith, God’s people crossed the Red Sea because they trusted the promises of God. We also are called to walk by faith and not by sight. What do you think an Israelite child thought as he looked at the wall of water around him? His parents surely would have told him that the Lord is our protector. Grab hold of your baptism and say, “Yes, I believe those promises are mine.” Then walk the route the Lord has opened to you in His Word.

Suggestions for Prayer

Ask God for mercy to walk the path He calls us to walk. Praise God for His grace amidst judgment.

Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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