“By faith he left Egypt, not being afraid of the anger of the king, for he endured as seeing him who is invisible.” – Hebrews 11:27
Scripture Reading: Exodus 3:1-22
After Moses killed the Egyptian, he fled to Midian and there he settled down. He found a wife, had two sons and became a shepherd for his father-in-law. How would Moses lead the people out of Egypt if he was a shepherd, far away? Just like God did with Abraham, He miraculously came to Moses. In Exodus 3, we see the theophany of the burning bush. Here Moses saw Him Who is invisible.
The Lord had a great plan for Moses and for the people. He was going to bring them out of slavery in Egypt. However, it would be a difficult process. More than once, the Lord prepares Moses for Pharaoh to say, “No.” (Exodus 3:19; 4:21). Pharaoh’s heart will be hardened to the requests of Moses and Aaron to let the people go. Moses’ faith will be tested. He will cry out to God in Exodus 5:22-23 after Pharaoh makes things even more difficult for the Israelites. It would be a redemption that took time, just as it would be 1500 years later.
Our Lord Jesus Christ had to endure many hardships to save His people. He had to be tested and tempted by the Evil One. He had to endure the shame, the cross and the grave, in order to be raised victorious on Easter morning. Moses is going to deliver the people from slavery to Pharaoh. Jesus is the ultimate Deliverer from sin, death, and hell. “Hallelujah, what a Saviour.”
Suggestions for prayer
Pray with thanksgiving through the steps of Christ’s humiliation and exaltation as found in the Apostle’s Creed.
Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at NTGDevotional.com.