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October 12 – The challenging of standing fast

“That you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.” – Philippians 1:27

Scripture reading: Philippians 1:27-30 and Ephesians 6:10-13

Opposition to the Christian faith is always a challenge and the saints in Philippi knew it well. Therefore, Paul wants to encourage them to be strong and not lose heart. He does so by focusing on two things. First, “that you stand fast in one spirit”, that is, hold your ground by being of like-mind, purpose and disposition. For when Christians rely on God’s Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit, they can endure life’s trials and challenges.

But then Paul adds to that, “with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel”. This has the idea of standing side-by-side. It’s a term used for those who fight in battle or engage in an athletic contest because the closer they stand, the more formidable they are to the opponent. Division often leads to defeat! For this reason, they do this, “with one mind”; that is, as one man. If you are on a team you must work together; you can’t be going your own way. You need to be unified if you’re going to weather the attacks. This is vital, for as Paul says, the “faith of the gospel” is at stake! In other words, this is a battle not only for the faith created by the gospel but for Christianity itself! Are we ready and willing to stand firm? Christ commands us to do so.

Suggestions for prayer

Pray for the church and her ability to stand. Pray that the church would stand strong against heresy, worldliness, and secularism and that she might even more consistently proclaim the gospel of Christ to a fallen world.

Rev. Merwin serves as minister of the Immanuel United Reformed Church of Listowel, Ontario, Canada. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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