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November 24 – Missing out or mercy

“…waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.” – Jude 21b

Scripture reading: Romans 6:15-23; Jude 17-23

Sin has twisted how we look at earthly things. We deceive ourselves into thinking that if we don’t enjoy every temporary earthly thing that catches our attention, we have missed out on the best experiences life can offer. And even once we have that one experience, we deceive ourselves into thinking we need it again, or we need more of it, to be satisfied.

But keeping ourselves in the love of God means looking for what is permanent, steadfast and real. In Christ, we are no longer slaves to the need for more and better, making idols of the moment and being afraid of missing out. We are, joyfully, slaves of God, which means that we have something far better to live for: mercy. Mercy is worth waiting for. Mercy is worth having self-control over our desires. Mercy has promised to give us a far better satisfaction than sin can provide. The mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ will lead to eternal life.

Do you find yourself getting anxious over earthly things? Do the desires of your heart have control over you? Remember that Jesus gives us a far better life to live, beginning already today. Sin cannot satisfy us, but knowing that His mercy leads to eternal life means that we can enjoy being free from slavery to temporary things. Live as one who is free in Christ!

Suggestions for prayer

Confess the ways that earthly things consume your mind and heart, taking your eyes off of the mercy that has set you free in Christ. Pray that God’s people would be witnesses of that freedom to their neighbours.

Pastor James Sinke has been the pastor of Bethel URC of Woodstock for ten years, having previously served the Rock Valley URC. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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