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November 19 – No axedent

“The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their roaring. Mightier than the thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, the Lord on high is mighty!” – Psalm 93:3-4

Scripture reading: 2 Kings 6:1-7

It is important to the story that the sons of the prophets were compelled to become lumberjacks because their ‘seminary’ had become too small. God’s kingdom was advancing, and our enemy attacks to thwart its progress. But as our Lord Jesus reminds us in Matthew 16, “The gates of Hades will not prevail against the Church.” God is determined to see His kingdom advance. So, He makes the axe head float.

He is also the God who frees us from debt. To replace the borrowed axe head was beyond the ability of the wielder. God, Who had redeemed His people from slavery in the exodus, was not eager to see them enslaved again. So, He made the axe head float.

Finally, notice how the greatness of God is seen in the small details of life. It looked at first that Elisha was going to send the men away while he remained. But, ‘luckily’ one of them pressed Elisha to go with them. God knew in advance that Elisha was needed and ensured that Elisha went.

All this highlights for us that there are no ‘axedents’ in our lives. God’s gracious and glorious purposes, whether for His kingdom’s advance or His people’s good, will succeed. You see this displayed in the life and ministry of our Saviour. He will stop at nothing for His glory and our good. That is the kind of God you could give yourself to, don’t you think? And that’s the kind of God you could swing an axe for.

Suggestions for prayer

Pray that the Lord would open our eyes to see His sovereign power and His wonderful care for His people.

Reverend John van Eyk has served as Senior Pastor of Trinity Reformed Church (United Reformed) in Lethbridge, Alberta since 2017.

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