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Monday August 20 – Hidden with Christ in God

For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. – Colossians 3:3

Scripture reading: Colossians 3:1-4

When the Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven, He withdrew from three-dimensional reality and ascended into another dimension of God’s created reality. The disciples did not see Him enter heaven, for the cloud of God’s glory took Him out of sight. Since His ascension, He is hidden in the glory of His Father and glorified with Him.

However, the Lord Jesus Christ is not only hidden in the glory of the Father, Christians are also hidden with Him. Paul wrote that we were buried with Christ in baptism and also raised with Him (Col. 2:12). He asked that if we died with Christ, why do we submit to regulations competing with His place in our lives (Col. 2:20). Now, he writes that our life is hidden with Christ in God and will appear with Him in glory (Col. 3:3-4). The expressions “in Christ” and “with Christ” show that we participate in the life and death of the Lord Jesus Christ. We participate in what He did in the past, what He is doing in the present and what He will do in the future. We died and arose with Him, we ascended with Him in glory and we will appear with Him in glory.

This participation with Christ is a hidden reality. The source of our life is hidden, is not visible to others, or to ourselves. We need to believe this. Moreover, our life being hidden with Christ in the Father also makes our life safe and untouchable. It is eternally secure.

Suggestions for prayer

Thank your heavenly Father that your life is hidden with Christ in the glory of the Father. Ask Him to help you believe this and be encouraged by it.

This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Dick Moes is pastor emeritus of the Surrey Covenant Reformed Church in Surrey, BC.

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