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May 27 – Jesus, our mercy seat (I)

“…whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness.” – Romans 3:25

Scripture reading: Romans 3:1-31

In this verse, Paul tells us that Jesus is set forth as a propitiation. More literally, Paul is saying that Jesus is our Mercy seat. What was the mercy seat? It was the lid of the Arc of the Covenant. In it there was the law. On it were the two golden cherubim. This was the footstool of the Lord. It was placed in the most Holy Place, which was a picture of God’s throne room, yes, heaven itself.

God has set forth His Son Jesus, as a propitiation, as a Mercy seat. Once a year, on the day of Atonement, the High Priest would enter into the Most Holy Place to sprinkle blood on the lid of atonement. He went there to make propitiation, to turn away the wrath of God over His people’s sins. The blood was sprinkled on the mercy seat. But no longer! For now, Christ Himself is what the mercy seat pictured – namely, the place where God’s wrath is turned away. Why? Because of the sacrifice of His blood, God looks upon Christ and can now pass over the sins of His people. He demonstrates His righteousness to all who trust in Him by faith. The blood-splattered lid now covers over a law that condemns sinners.

Unworthy sinners, like you and me, may now come boldly to His throne of grace to be given help in our times of need because Christ’s blood is sufficient to once and for all, turn away the wrath of God over sin.

Suggestions for Prayer: Thank God that the blood of Jesus turns away the wrath of God over our sins. Thank God for the access we have to His mercy seat through Christ. Come boldly to be helped in your time of need today.

Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  

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