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May 15 – Jesus, the rock of ages (II)

“And the Lord said, “Here is a place by Me, and you shall stand on the rock. So it shall be, while My glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with My hand while I pass by.”” – Exodus 33:21-22 

Scripture reading: Exodus 33:12-23

Jesus is the Rock of Ages who has existed from eternity. In that respect we are rather unlike Him; we are mortal human beings. Changes can make us nervous and fearful. But when we trust in Jesus, the Rock of Ages, Who also became man, like us, we will find stability for our lives.

  1. Jesus is our Stable Rock – A rock brings stability to our lives; how does Jesus do that? In Jesus’ sermon on the mount, He finished by picturing two people who are building a house. The one was quickly done. He didn’t dig too deep and built it on the sand. The other man dug deeply until he found a rock to build on. The first man’s house fell flat in the storms and troubles of life. The second man’s house stood firm during the troubles and storm of life. Why? Because Jesus is the Rock and when we build our life on His teaching, our lives will find stability.
  2. Jesus is our Safe Rock – The Bible clearly tells us that sinners cannot see God and live. So, when Moses asked God to see His glory, he was asking for his own death. But God tells Moses that there is a place by Him! When He stands upon the Rock, God promises to cover Moses with His hand. What a picture of the Lord Jesus’ salvation. Through Jesus our Rock, there is a place where sinners can see God and live, safely covered by His Hand!

Suggestions for prayer

Thank God that there is a safe place with our Holy God through Christ. Pray for the grace to build your life on the teachings of Christ with real-life obedience.

Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  

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