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June 8 – The Lord God is an everlasting rock

“Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock.” – Isaiah 26:4 

Scripture reading: Psalm 125:1-5; Philippians 4:7

Our lives are filled with upheavals and difficult circumstances, but even joyous events, like a wedding can cause ripples in life, waves that require careful handling to restore peace. What a blessing it is to know God is an everlasting rock.

To the Psalmist, the Everlasting Rock is like the mountains which surround Jerusalem. Those mountains, which cannot be moved, are a visible, tangible sign of God’s blessing. They remind the believer the Covenant-Keeping God is steadfast, unmovable, their security.

In Isaiah 26:3, the man who trusts in God, the Everlasting Rock, is a man who has perfect peace. This peace does not depend on things going well in the life of the believer. No matter the circumstances or trials, being set on the Rock means one has the peace of God. Philippians 4:7 weaves the metaphor of God, the Everlasting Rock, together with the promise of perfect peace.

In Philippians 4, it is God Who guards His people. That recalls the picture of the Rock-Solid reliability of God—in the Old Testament and in the New—He is the security of His people. Jesus is the guarantee of both the security and the peace of God. Jesus has overcome the world, the devil and even the wickedness of our own sinful flesh. Believers are made alive in Jesus Christ through the power of the Spirit and can pour out before Jesus all their anxieties and fears, their wrong-doing and their burdens, knowing He hears and answers. He is their security and peace.

Suggestions for prayer

Quiet your heart before God and let the Spirit show you where you have been worrying, struggling, or hiding guilt from God. Pray to God, the Everlasting Rock, that He will restore your security and peace in Jesus Christ.

Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  

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