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June 30 – Jesus the radiance of the glory of God

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” – Psalm 19:14 

Scripture reading: Hebrews 1:1-4

Radiance is a rarely used word in the Greek New Testament. It means shining brightness. That probably doesn’t help matters much in terms of trying to define what radiance is. What I love about this title for Jesus is, it really is at the very edge of both our language and ability to explain that Jesus is the Beautiful One. Thinking about Him and His work is like following a sunbeam that pierces the clouds after a rainstorm. As you follow the outward edges of the sunbeam upwards your eye is drawn to the source of its light, the sun. So it is with Jesus, the more you consider Him, the longer you gaze into Scripture and contemplate Who He is, the more your senses will be drawn upwards in Jesus, up toward the brilliance of the Living God, Who alone lives in unapproachable light.

It is the contemplation of the Names of God and the Attributes of God which clarify your understanding of Who He Is. As you spend more and more time thinking about God, your imagination gets stirred up and your soul soars in hymns and prayers to Him. If He did not reveal Himself, His radiant brilliance and His glory would remain hidden. He has shown us His salvation. He invites you to keep learning of Him, so that in the endless reaches of eternity, you will still shout: “Oh, Jesus, radiance of the Father’s glory, show us more that we may give more love to You, Triune God, and serve You ever more joyfully!”

Suggestions for prayer

As you continue to read the Bible, pray that the Spirit of God will show you more of the beauty of God, His glorious Self-Revelation, so that your vocabulary for praise and worship will grow and your delight in the LORD our God will be infectious to all around you.

Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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