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June 20 – Jesus who has the seven spirits and seven stars

“And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: “The words of Him Who has the Seven Spirits of God and the Seven Stars.”” – Revelation 3:1 

Scripture reading: Revelation 3:1-6

Reading the letters to the seven churches in Revelation has changed for me. Now I pause to consider the revealed Name of Jesus as He gives His words to the churches. Jesus has the Seven-Spirits of God (a.k.a. the Seven-fold Spirit). He Who wields the power of the Spirit is speaking to a church that is spiritually dead. Why is Jesus speaking to this church if it is dead? The Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead (Romans 1:4) is the same Holy Spirit Whom He will give to revive Christians who are in need. This same Spirit has the power to raise the dead.

Jesus has the seven stars, the seven angels given to guard the seven churches. Those whom Jesus revives by His Spirit, He protects by sending His angels. What a glorious picture this is. It is also a picture with a long term view. A. W. Tozer noted, “The faith of Christ offers no buttons to push for quick service. The new order must wait for the Lord’s own time. It is too much for the man in a hurry. He gives up and becomes interested in something else.”

Something happened in Sardis so that people wandered into sin. They refused to repent. But Jesus is here appealing to His people. Listen. Wake up. I will protect you. I will lead you in victory so that you will be conquerors over sin. This is the power I have and this is the power I give to all who hear and are prepared to obey.

Suggestions for prayer

Thank the Father for the wonderful work of Jesus and the gift of the reviving Spirit. Thank Jesus, Who sends His guardian angels to protect His people. Pray for repentance in the areas of your life where you need to repent so that you may walk in newness of life.

Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  

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