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June 17 – Tender yet almighty

 “Behold, the Lord GOD shall come with a strong hand, And His arm shall rule for Him; Behold, His reward is with Him, And His work before Him.” – Isaiah 40:10 

Scripture reading: Isaiah 40:9-14

The theme of Isaiah 40 is summed up by the words, “Behold your God!” Isaiah’s purpose is that our attention is riveted on and refreshed by our awe-Inspiring God. We often feel limited when it comes to stretching our minds with thoughts and visions of God. We feel even more inadequate when it comes to sharing the glory of our awe-inspiring God with those around us. J.I. Packer, the author of “Knowing God”, describes it this way: “…as clowns yearn to play Hamlet, so I have wanted to write a treatise on God.”

Yet, Isaiah knows we have a deep and ongoing spiritual need to “Lift up our eyes on high, and see Who has created these things!” He encourages God’s people to look away from the power of their captors. He is telling them to look away from their own weakness, helplessness and political irrelevance. No matter how weak they may feel, or how strong their oppressors appear, they need to be lifted up in their souls by a sense of the power and might of the eternal God of heaven of earth Who loves them and shepherds them.

We’ve seen how God comforts us with the reminder that He is a Shepherd Who faithfully feeds His flock, gathers lambs in His arms and tenderly leads those with young. Yet, He would never have us fall under the illusion that His compassion, tenderness and kindness is in any way exclusive, awe-inspiring power, infinite wisdom, divine genius and matchless superiority to all of His creation!

Suggestions for prayer

God tells us it is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes (Psalm 118:9). Pray that God will keep us from trusting merely in man or even ourselves. May we rejoice and trust in the fact that He reigns powerfully over all things as He loves and shepherds His people.

Pastor Maurice Luimes serves as the pastor of the Immanuel Reformed Church (recently relocated to Bolton, ON). Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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