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June 12 – The Lord, the lifter of my head

“He will drink from the brook by the way; therefore He will lift up His head.” – Psalm 110:7 

Scripture Reading: Psalm 3:1-8

Helpful information to explain this Name for God is found in Psalm 110. Jesus regularly quoted from it and applied it to Himself. The imagery presented there is of the Warrior, Who shatters kings. The enigmatic saying, which is quoted above, ends Psalm 110. Think about what a battlefield might be like in ancient times. No public drinking fountains. No taps. No garden hoses. When a warrior drinks, he must stoop down, and the moment he does so, he is utterly vulnerable. But Jesus is not vulnerable. His enemies will be so thoroughly conquered, He can stoop and drink, and He will lift up his head, the Victor. He Lifts His Head over every opponent.

In Isaiah 46:1-13 a contrast is made between the worthless idols of all the nations and the power of God. He declares: “There is none like Me” (Isaiah 46:9). It is God alone Who can sustain His people, from the first stirrings of each man’s life, until his hair greys, and every nanosecond in between. He is One Who lifts His people. He protects. He shows them tender mercy and care.

Now Psalm 3, with all its imagery of battles, and that strange possibility of sleep even in the middle of what seems like loud-clashing warfare, makes more sense. The Psalmist declared of the LORD: “My Glory and the Lifter of My Head”. Through every battle, in every crisis, God Lifts your head. He gives victory. He alone can guard you until today’s faith becomes sight in eternity.

Suggestions for prayer

Praise the LORD Who is mighty over every enemy, Who is the Warrior King defeating every enemy; pray, thanking Jesus, that He has disarmed the enemy at the cross, so that in the power of His Spirit you can lift your head in the victory He gives you over sin and death.

Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  

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