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July 29 – Sharing the treasure

“And when this letter has been read among you, have it also read in the church of the Laodiceans; and see that you also read the letter from Laodicea.” – Colossians 4:16 

Scripture reading: Colossians 4:16

What were the sermons about yesterday? Can you remember? Was there something that struck you? Was something preached that moved you and challenged you? Did you hear about Christ and Him crucified? Was it good to be in the household of God? Was the sermon good to share with someone else?

Sermons are like that. People will ask me if I heard a sermon by a preacher that I should listen to. People are excited and want to share the Word. That, too, is part of the communion of the saints. I can respect that Paul, by the Spirit, understands that the letters he wrote to the Colossians and Laodiceans should be shared. (We do not have the letter addressed to Laodicea) The Colossians and Laodiceans needed both these letters. We need only the Colossian letter. Paul, from prison, was still productive and active in his ministry, no matter the circumstances. And we are blessed because as the letter was read in Laodicea, we have also been able to read and reflect upon it.

The wonder of Scripture is its timelessness and effectiveness. We read these letters some 1900 years later, and they still seem fresh and applicable. That is Christ at work. He who died for us, keeps us nourished through the Spirit and Word, through preachers and preaching, pastors and pastoral care. What a friend we have in Jesus!

Maybe there is someone who needs to hear what you heard yesterday! Pass on the preaching and watch what Christ will do.

Suggestions for prayer

Pray for a briefing on the preaching yesterday for the hearers. Ask a blessing for your pastor as he begins preparing for next week’s sermons. Pray for someone you may be working with and sharing sermons and the good news.

Pastor Al Bezuyen is married to Sanya and has been blessed with six children and two grandchildren. He is a Mid-America Reformed Seminary graduate serving at the Zion United Reformed Church of Sheffield, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

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