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July 15 – Healthy relationship

“Wives be subject to your husbands . . . husbands live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honour to the women.” – 1 Peter 3:1 & 7 

Scripture reading: 1 Peter 3:1-7

Peter continues the theme of being subject to those whom God has placed over us, this time in regard to marriage relationships. God instituted marriage with the understanding that the husband is to be the head of his wife and lovingly honour her. Peter encourages wives to be subject to their husbands even if they are not Christians. In the early church, many women came to faith and wondered how they were to respond to their unbelieving husbands. Peter encourages them to be subject to their husband, hoping they would be won over by their conduct. He tells them this should be done not by impressing them with outward appearances, but by a gentle and quiet spirit.

We live in a world that encourages women to concentrate on outward appearances so as to impress others. Peter’s words should guide all women to see what is important in life; not impressing others with outward appearances, but working at having a gentle and quiet spirit as godly women in the past have done. One can only have a gentle and quiet spirit when one truly trusts that nothing will be able to separate them from the love of God.

Peter calls believing husbands to live with their wives, understanding their needs, and showing them honour as fellow saints in the Lord. We live in a world where men often seek to express their power to control. Peter warns all men not to bully women, including their wives, by use of strength or authority, lest God ignore them and their prayers.

Suggestion for prayer

That husbands would show love and honour to their wives and wives would be subject to their husbands to show they are God’s beloved children.

Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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