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July 10 – Trust in the Lord

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5, 6 

Scripture reading: Proverbs 3:1-8

The contemporary unbeliever has full confidence in himself and does not trust God. He doesn’t see his need for God. He has full confidence that he can figure things out on his own and if necessary provide his own covering for his sins and failures.

In practice this approach doesn’t work well. He can’t escape his guilt. He needs to hear the gospel, to acknowledge his sinfulness and turn in faith to Jesus. Jesus will freely pardon and renew his heart. Now he can trust in the Lord.

Trusting the Lord is done with the whole heart. The believer puts all his trust and confidence in Jesus. He sees Jesus as the Lord and giver of life and relies completely on Him. Trusting the Lord is also done with a single heart. The believer turns away from trusting his own understanding, trusting simply in Christ and no one else. Now he is ready to face life anew.

The believer has turned away from his old course of life. Now he accepts the Lord’s direction for his life which is given in the scriptures. By studying God’s word with a prayerful heart, he finds all the direction he needs and follows it. Now he is ready for life. He is also ready for worship. Since today is the Lord’s Day he is eager to join with God’s people in the public worship of God. May you be found among them today.

Suggestions for prayer

Pray that God will turn people away from their own understanding to embrace the Lord and giver of life.

Rev. James Reaves served his last congregation, Grace Reformed Church (URCNA), in Kelowna, BC. He retired in 2014 after fifty years of ordained ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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