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January 5 – The story of Yahweh’s rescue

“For who is God, but the Lord? — the God who equipped me with strength and made my way blameless.” – Psalm 18:31, 32 

Scripture reading: Psalm 18:20-42

On Sunday afternoons our family enjoys reading together. Our favourites are life-stories of Christian missionaries. Their zeal for the Lord inspires us. In these next verses of Psalm 18, David tells his own story of rescue. Notice how he gives God the credit at every turn.

First, he credits God for keeping him from doing wrong. He could have killed Saul on two occasions, but he didn’t. Why not? Because God’s rules and statutes (22) filled his mind. He didn’t dare to touch the Lord’s anointed. Softly read verses 20-24 as David reflects on his decision not to kill Saul.

Second, David credits God with being faithful. From Deuteronomy 28, we learn that God blesses obedience and curses rebellion. David recognizes that God dealt with him in this fashion. What was the outcome? God put a spring in David’s legs to leap over a wall in battle. Thoughtfully read verses 25-30 to see that God is true to His word.

Third, God equips David for battle (18:32,39). He gives God the credit by listing specific details of his story. How did David get to be such a successful soldier? God put speed in his legs and skill in his hands. Every success in hand-to-hand combat, he attributes to God. Learn to credit God by reading verses 31-39.

Finally, David credits God with his victories. What is the greatest difference between Saul and David? God answered David’s prayer, but gave silence to Saul. Humbly read verses 40-42 as David remembers God’s grace.

Suggestions for prayer

Thank God for answering the prayers of Jesus whose victory crushes Satan’s head and secures our salvation. Give God the credit for specific ways He has and is keeping you in the faith.

Rev. Ken Anema currently serves as an instructor for Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary which is a prison discipleship ministry structured as a school. Prior to that, he pastored the Messiah’s Independent Reformed Church in Holland, MI (1993-2014) after graduating from Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  

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