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January 5 – Renewing our strength

“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.” – Isaiah 40:31 

Scripture reading: Isaiah 40:25-31

It’s the Lord’s Day, the New Testament Sabbath. All around the world church doors are open and worship services are held. It is the opportunity we need as a new week begins, to renew our spiritual strength through the preaching of the Word, prayer and Christian fellowship.

Attending worship services at church is an essential opportunity for spiritual renewal. On this first Sunday of the New Year, let us consecrate and dedicate ourselves to “wait upon the Lord.” Let us not run ahead of God in fits of human passion. Let us not fall behind the Lord by clinging to human traditions and outward customs. Do not follow the wide highway of glorifying self or personal opinion, which is so common today, but rather let us “wait upon the Lord”.

Today, wait quietly upon the Lord by carefully listening as God’s Word is read and a sermon proclaimed. Listen with faith, confidence and obedience. By doing so, the Lord will surely bless you; He shall renew your strength!

Look forward to a year in which God will renew you, body and soul, through faithful participation in the means of grace. Look forward to receiving from Christ the power that you need to overcome temptation and the comfort of His forgiveness.

With God’s help and strength, we shall surmount every trouble, every trial, as though we had eagle’s wings. As we hasten down the path ahead in the days to come, we shall not be weary, we shall not fail, because those who “wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.”

Suggestions for prayer:

Pray that the Spirit will use the means of grace, as you worship today, to strengthen and bless you. Seek wisdom to wait quietly upon the Lord.

Rev. Gregg V. Martin was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1977. In his years of service, he pastored a total of five congregations in three Canadian provinces. He also served for more than seven years in Latin America as a missionary providing leadership training in Reformed mission churches. He is presently retired and living in Toronto. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

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