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January 3 – God is Spirit

God is Spirit: and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. – John 4:24

Scripture reading: John 4:15-26

We all have both a body and a spirit. There is something invisible in each one of us. We see that most strikingly when a loved one dies. The body is still there, but the spirit is not. How tragic and devastating is the result of sin. So, death, among other things, teaches us for a fact that we all have a spirit. In our text, God says that He Himself is Spirit. He is pure Spirit. He doesn’t have a body.

Yet, He shows Himself to us. How is that possible? Through His Word, we read about glorious appearances to both sinners and saints. When still in Paradise, God’s Spirit spoke directly to Adam’s spirit. This glorious, intimate and spiritual connection was ruined by our Fall into sin. As a result, by nature, we are all spiritually like a dead, lifeless body.

But God came to restore our lost relationship! How? At Christmas, God, Who is eternal and a pure Spirit, took upon Himself a body, taking the place of guilty and spiritually dead sinners, ultimately by experiencing forsakenness of God. That’s how we can have an intimate relationship with God again. Now, He speaks to us through His Word, by His Spirit and we pray to Him again.

But most amazing is that, in salvation, our glorious God dwells with His Spirit in every believer! That’s the only reason why you and I can worship Him, in spirit and truth.

Suggestions for prayer

Thank the Lord for being a Spirit, who through Christ and His Holy Spirit is able to communicate to our spirit. Pray that the Lord will nourish your spiritual relationship with Him today.

Rev. Pieter van der Hoek has been serving the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville since 2017. This daily devotional is also available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional.

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