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January 25 – Anything new?

“What has been is what will be… and there is nothing new under the sun.” – Ecclesiastes 1:9                                                            

Scripture reading: Ecclesiastes 1:1-18

It has been said, the more things change the more they stay the same.  As this New Year unfolds, much of the regular routine of life will stay the same. And while regular routine is a blessing from the LORD, brokenness within our routines is not.

The book of Ecclesiastes speaks to our brokenness. Life apart from God is vanity and meaningless. Solomon sought to find meaning in his work, in pleasure seeking and in wisdom itself, but came to the same conclusion—that life’s activities when they are not rooted in God’s purposes have no abiding value.  With weariness of heart, Solomon observes the effects of the repetitious enduring activity in God’s creation from generation to generation. It is all the same. Nothing is new under the sun and nothing will be remembered.

Christians, however, live under the Son. And we are thankful that by grace alone, through faith alone, because of Jesus alone, we are made new creatures. That puts life in perspective. Our routines have a direction as we prepare ourselves for the New Jerusalem to come. Divine blessings are to be enjoyed day by day, but never forget we must all be prepared for divine judgment. How are you preparing?

Suggestions for prayer

Acknowledge your brokenness and testify to your need. Thank God for routine and ask God to help you keep life in perspective.

Rev. Peter Vellenga is presently serving as itinerant preacher waiting upon Lord for continued assignment.


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