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January 24 – Jesus rules the world

“The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” – Psalm 110:1 

Scripture reading: Psalm 110:1-7 

Jesus rules the world! That’s the global secret David shares in verse 1. Jesus Himself confirms it in Matthew 22:42-45. It’s as if David says, ‘One of my descendants will be my Master. He will rule the world at God’s right hand.’ David knows this from the personal announcement of The Lord (that is, Yahweh) to David’s Lord (that is, Master). David hears about Jesus’ ascension nearly a 1000 years before it happens! That awareness sparks two gut reactions.

First, David pleads with his Master. He says to Jesus, “Rule in the midst of your enemies!” (2). Then David envisions prisoners escaping to Jesus out of the sunrise (3) because Jesus is the Priest Who washes them clean (4). See for yourself by reading Psalm 110:2-4 and think to yourself, ‘Jesus rules his enemies. He defeated Satan to release me from his grip. As priest, Jesus sacrificed Himself in my place.’

Second, David turns to Yahweh and brags about Jesus to Yahweh. At Yahweh’s right hand, Jesus will shatter kings and execute the nations (5-6) – just as Psalm 2 warned. David pictures Jesus walking away from battle holding his head high in victory (7). Treasure this moment by reading Psalm 110:5-7. As you read, substitute the name “Jesus” for each instance of the word “he”.

Disobeying God doesn’t seem harmless anymore, does it? Let Jesus’ coming judgment scare you from sin. Trust His victory for safety. Run to Jesus. Your Priest-King rescues and protects you. Jesus rules the world!

Suggestions for prayer

Praise God for seating Jesus at His right hand. Plead with God to defeat His enemies by converting sinners into the kingdom. Meditate on Christ’s second coming by saying verses 5-7.

Rev. Ken Anema currently serves as an instructor for Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary which is a prison discipleship ministry structured as a school. Prior to that, he pastored the Messiah’s Independent Reformed Church in Holland, MI (1993-2014) after graduating from Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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