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January 20 – Praying thy kingdom come

“Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom…” – Psalm 145:13                       

Scripture reading: Psalm 145

Jesus taught us to pray: “Thy Kingdom Come”. Praying and living out of our prayers is a gift of God’s grace—it is a high calling, a demanding responsibility. To be called to a life of prayerful service is not our deserving.  Who are we that the Lord should set before us His Kingdom glory in Jesus Christ?

When we pray for the fullness of the Kingdom, when we in sincerity are asking the LORD to place our desires within the purposes of His kingdom, then our lives will have a particular focus with far-reaching implications. The kingdom testifies to God’s reign and rule in the lives of His people. Our heavenly Father is sovereign over the whole of life and all of history. We have a King and He is our LORD, Lord of lords and King of Kings. As subjects of our King we are called to serve our King and bring our homage. His rule is to be honoured, His Word is to be obeyed.

As we look forward to the many activities that the Lord has set before us each day again, we can do so in the conviction that our lives are not lived in vain, for they are lived within the blessed calling of God’s Kingdom.

Suggestions for prayer

Pray that you will be able to see the depth and width of the Kingdom. Pray Maranatha!

Rev. Peter Vellenga is presently serving as itinerant preacher waiting upon Lord for continued assignment.

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