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Friday January 11 – The trumpet shall sound

They shall be a reminder of you before the LORD. – Numbers 10:10

Scripture reading: Numbers 10:1-10

The LORD commands Moses to make two silver trumpets. These trumpets function in the covenant relationship: the LORD calling His people and the people calling upon Him.

In the first place, the trumpets are to be used when the LORD calls together leaders of the congregation or the people as a whole. In the Bible, the voice of the LORD is often connected to a trumpet. His voice is like the sound of trumpets. By means of these two trumpets, the LORD reminds His people that they have to follow His voice. Their travels are directed by the voice of God.

The second use of the trumpets is when the army is going out to war and on feast days. In these instances, the trumpets express the voice of the people. It says that they shall be a reminder of Israel before the LORD. That means: He will hear the trumpets, remember His promises and help or bless them. Of course, the LORD does not forget, but He loves it when His people appeal to Him on the basis of His promises.

We no longer hear trumpets as the LORD calls us, nor do we use trumpets to call upon the LORD. The Lord comes to us in an audible voice and we may call upon Him with our voices (see Hebrews 12:18-25). What a blessing to live in this wonderful communion with our Lord as we are on the way to the day when the trumpet will sound.

Suggestions for prayer

 Thank the Lord for calling us by His Word and for giving us the freedom to call upon Him. Pray for wisdom to pray in a way that is pleasing to God.

 This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Douwe G. J. Agema is currently minister of Living Word Canadian Reformed Church in Guelph and also teaches several courses at Covenant Canadian Reformed Teachers’ College.

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