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February 5 – The advice that pleased the king

““And let the young woman who pleases the king be queen instead of Vashti.” This pleased the king, and he did so.” – Esther 2:4 

Scripture reading: Esther 2:1-4

Joseph of Genesis is reflected often in the episodes of Esther and Mordecai – including this passage. Both Joseph, the young man of Genesis 41, and the young men here in Esther 2 have their advice accepted by their respective kings. Joseph’s advice was godly and served God’s saving providence. These young men’s advice was not godly, but it too served God’s saving providence.

King Ahasuerus is viewed as owning everything, doing what he wants with both men and women – herding them from their homes, and sterilizing men to serve his purposes. The advice that Ahasuerus receives as he seeks a better queen than Vashti is not admirable; it is simple superficiality. Character means nothing – only beauty. Joseph was attractive to Potiphar’s wife because of his looks (Genesis 39:6); such – would also be the case with Esther and the king (Esther 2:7).

Ahasuerus looks all-powerful, but he searches for a better bride superficially and tyrannically. Belonging to Christ and His kingdom is not tyrannical at all; His Lordship frees us from tyranny. The care of God the Father, the pardon by Christ the Son, and the regenerating work of God’s Spirit reveals to us a King who treasures us as His possession.

Oh, to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge! Much better to belong to a bridegroom-king such as Christ! It is better than belonging to Ahasuerus, to ourselves, or to anything else.

Suggestions for prayer

Pray with thanksgiving that Christ has dominion over land and sea, but also pray with thanksgiving that in His Lordship He possesses you as that which He treasures.

Rev. John Vermeer is Pastor Emeritus of Doon United Reformed Church in Doon, Iowa and is currently living in Cedar Lake, Indiana. He has served churches in Kansas, Iowa, and Illinois over the course of 34 years. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

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