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February 29 – Taw

“I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek your servant, for I do not forget your commandments.” – Psalm 119:176

Scripture reading: Psalm 119:169-176

This Psalm ends with an appeal to God to seek the servant who has strayed. He is talking about himself. He ends this great psalm with the confession that he still is so unworthy of God’s favor and blessing. That’s hard to imagine given all we’ve heard and learn about his love for the law.

Yes, he desires blessing. Yes, he understands that the one who lives according to the will of God in all good works will be happy. Yes, he knows that the man whose way is blameless, who walks in the law of the LORD, will be blessed (Psalm 119:1). But that’s just his point. He desires a blessing, a gift from a merciful God. No one deserves God’s presence. No one deserves to be truly and forever happy. For we all like sheep have gone astray.

Thank God that He sent His only Son to be the good Shepherd of the sheep. He came to be our protector from all harm –from Satan who prowls around like a roaring lion. In doing so, He was willing to sacrifice Himself and be the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world.

Thank God that He sends His Spirit, working faith, working renewal, so that we desire life and we desire obedience to God’s law. Thank God that He gives us a new nature so we desire to give our whole life, A to Z, to God.

Suggestions for prayer

Praise God for the law which He has given us, His Word to guide and lead us in our lives. Ask Him to work in us a true and full love for His law, forever.

This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. James Slaa is pastor of the Smithers Canadian Reformed Church in British Columbia, Canada.

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