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February 23 – Life is short and full of troubles

“Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble.” – Job 14:1 

Scripture Reading: Job 14:1-7

It really doesn’t matter if Job predated Moses or not, as some theologians believe. What is important is that both were inspired by the Holy Spirit and that we listen to both.

Moses, in Psalm 90, reminded us that man’s days are short and are full of trouble, so man is to “number” his days, or rather, use his days wisely. Moses, a godly prophet, lived to be 120 years old and experienced many difficulties as he led God’s people who became more and more rebellious. The Israelites accused him of betraying them and taking them to the desert to die.

Job expressed similar sentiments to his friends: Life was short and full of troubles. He understood the frailty of life. His friends did not understand that as long as man is in this world, man will be torn by sin, strife and death. They assumed life should be smooth and man would live long. How wrong they were!

We need to realize that good nutrition, exercising regularly, and having quality medical care (as good as those things are), do not guarantee a good life and do not guarantee a long life. The nicest person you know will become “worm food” one day. So expect troubles in life and in death and prepare for them. You can face these troubles when you know Jesus; trust Him, and rest in Him. Heaven is waiting. Wait for heaven. A glorious life is coming.

Suggestions for prayer

Pray that you will not worry about how long you live, but you will learn to live well.

Pastor Mitchell Persaud is a missionary at New Horizon URCNA, in Scarborough, ON, Canada, where he has ministered for over 20 years. Feel free to Google his name for more information about New Horizon. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  

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