“…the king allowed the Jews who were in every city to gather and defend their lives…” – Esther 8:11
Scripture reading: Esther 8:7-17
Haman’s edict caused the Jews trauma (3:18; 4:3); the new edict reversed that (8:15, 16). If Jews were attacked, the Jews could defend themselves. Holy war was permitted.
People are offended by Old Testament holy war, yet it was God’s act against sin. It preserved His holy covenant purposes until Christ’s coming. Since The Fall, humanity has been under the edict of holy war, except God issued a counter-edict to deliver His people from destruction. If Haman’s edict stood, God’s promise to deliver a people from humanity through Abraham would break. Salvation can only come by the satisfaction of God’s wrath against evil. Old Testament holy war was necessary so that God’s promises against evil and for His people could be kept in Christ.
Holy war is not an option today because Christ has come as the Great Holy Warrior, bearing God’s wrath for His people, and defeating evil completely on the cross. Holy war in the Old Testament only typified Christ’s holy war. Therefore, vengeance is illegitimate for us. We cannot add to the completed vengeance of Christ (John 12:31,32).
1 Peter teaches that, as Christians, our spiritual battle is within – sinful desires which war against our souls (2:11). Thankfully, Jesus Christ is our escape from the holy wrath of God, enabling us also to fight the good fight of faith, knowing vengeance is the Lord’s. Pray that the sword of the Spirit will cut to the heart of many to join the holy nation of God, the church of Christ.
Suggestions for prayer
Pray that the Lord will help you stand up for Christ without working against Him through vengeance. Pray that the word of God will work mightily in the hearts of many so they can know a turning point in their lives that makes an eternal difference.
Rev. John Vermeer is Pastor Emeritus of Doon United Reformed Church in Doon, Iowa and is currently living in Cedar Lake, Indiana. He has served churches in Kansas, Iowa, and Illinois over the course of 34 years. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at NTGDevotional.com.