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 February 20 – Is your redeemer alive?

“For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth;” – Job 19:25 

Scripture reading: Job 19:23-25

Job knew that his Redeemer was alive! What an incredible testimony by one who never saw the Redeemer or had seen or heard of the Redeemer’s suffering, death, burial and resurrection as you do today! What eyes of faith he had!

If Job had not believed in the Redeemer, he would have been in therapy for sure. Humanly speaking, he had lost everything of value in his life. But he never lost the most precious gift, the gift of eternal life through the coming Saviour. And even though he knew he was suffering intensely in body, mind and spirit, even though he faced condemnation from his friends, and even though he suffered at times and felt far from God, he always had that assurance that his Redeemer was alive.

Isn’t this the only thing that can give you peace in this life? When you know your future, knowing your Redeemer is alive to complete what He has started in your heart, you can face the trials of this world with confidence. You know that your sins will not stand before you to convict you. You know your Advocate will claim your innocence because He took your guilt.

Shouldn’t you then point the world to this One, the only One Who can give eternal life and give meaning to earthly life? You can face anything the Devil, the world and your flesh throw at you because you know your Redeemer lives.

Suggestions for prayer

Pray that you will praise God for the work of your Redeemer, a work that gives you hope to confidently live for Him now.

Pastor Mitchell Persaud is a missionary at New Horizon URCNA, in Scarborough, ON, Canada, where he has ministered for over 20 years. Feel free to Google his name for more information about New Horizon. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  

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