“…the heart of the king was merry with wine…” – Esther 1:10
Scripture reading: Esther 1:10-12
The drunken king of worldly power summons his bride to his banquet table to shame her. Shame on any husband who shames his wife! Yet this is the shameful picture of the husband-king, who holds sway over the world, but does not even know how to manage his own household with love and respect.
Vashti’s non-conformity is a right reaction to this shameful abuse and speaks to the limit of Ahasuerus’ power. He had no authority to shame her, for he was under God’s law. His summons pointed to his recklessness, and how the state’s authority – or any authority – goes only so far, particularly when it comes to marriage matters. His is the abuse of power and of God’s order.
The kingdom of man differs from the kingdom of God and His Christ, who calls His bride to Himself with all authority – not to shame her in recklessness, but to cover her shame with His saving righteousness.
Vashti rightly refused the banquet call. However, we are wrong to refuse to come to Christ’s banquet. He calls us out of our shame to commune with Him forever. Every Lord’s Day we get a foretaste of that communion as we are lifted in worship into heavenly places, where Christ dwells at His Father’s right hand. Refusing the call to worship is to our shame, even as refusing Christ leaves us in our sinful shame. May the call to worship in the presence of our great Husband-King be our delight today.
Suggestions for prayer
Petition the Heavenly Father that you might find joy each Lord’s Day to worship in the presence of your great Saviour-King. Give thanks to God for providing Christ so that your shameful sin might be covered by His righteousness.
Rev. John Vermeer is Pastor Emeritus of Doon United Reformed Church in Doon, Iowa and is currently living in Cedar Lake, Indiana. He has served churches in Kansas, Iowa, and Illinois over the course of 34 years. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at NTGDevotional.com.