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February 16 – The humbled one is exalted (I)

“And the king said, “What honor or distinction has been bestowed on Mordecai for [what he did to save the king]?” The king’s young men…said, “Nothing has been done for him.”” – Esther 6:3 

Scripture reading: Esther 6:1-13

Mordecai’s contrast here in chapter 6 is threefold. First, he receives a reward when initially, no reward had been given to him for saving the king. Second, the Mordecai of chapter 6 with royal robes and honour are in stark contrast to the Mordecai of chapter 4 with sackcloth and ashes. Third, we have the contrast between what Haman wanted to do to Mordecai on the gallows, and what Haman was commanded to do with Mordecai by the king. A triple turning of events for Mordecai! The humbled is exalted. This is the man that the king delights to honour! Mordecai could not have imagined this. Esther knew nothing of it. Haman could not have dreamed it. Call it poetic justice, but God is at work.

Years later others would taunt the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: “He trusts in God. Let him deliver him, if he delights in him” (Psalm 22:8; Matthew 27:43). Society and self, crave the satisfaction of “getting what they have coming to them.” Think about Christ: He did not get what He had coming to Him right away. He who deserved all honour was well-pleasing to His Father, was humbled to the cross, naked before men for the glory of God and His peoples’ redemption.

First, humiliation and suffering, then His glory. This is the Man that the Great King delights to honour! How Christ deserves our honour and praise this Lord’s Day!

Suggestions for prayer

Pray with thanksgiving for the privilege of worshiping the Lord on this Lord’s Day. Pray for the Christ-like perspective to see that God will work all things out for you in due time, so that the peace of God may be yours to know each day.

Rev. John Vermeer is Pastor Emeritus of Doon United Reformed Church in Doon, Iowa and is currently living in Cedar Lake, Indiana. He has served churches in Kansas, Iowa, and Illinois over the course of 34 years. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

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