Whether it was on a road trip, or closer to home, RP’s readers showed they know how to experience joy in the Lord.
This summer we asked you to send in photos showing you enjoying your Creator, and we got a fantastic response back. We got dozens of entries, and so many that we just couldn’t fit them all in the magazine. But what we couldn’t do in print, we can now share online.
What follows are all the entries – beginning with the winner and the runner-up – for the adult category. Take a look and enjoy their enjoyment of who our God is, and what He has done!
And then be sure to check under the under 18 entries too.

WINNER “Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds” (Ps 36:5) Rachel V.

RUNNER-UP This is a Western Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio rutulus) sipping nectar with its proboscis from some purple phlox. In Psalm 104 we are reminded that God lovingly cares for the creatures He has made. “These all look to you, to give them their food in due season. When You give it to them, they gather it up; when You open Your hand, they are filled with good things.” If He so cares for the butterflies of the field, He will also surely keep us in His Fatherly hand. Burke V.

We enjoy God when we look and see the unexpected when we’re out and about. I love how grass and dandelions have cropped up between the planks of this dock. Mrs. Lee B.

We enjoy God when we go down the road less travelled and are treated to a gorgeous, peaceful scene on which to feast our eyes! Mrs. Lee B.

It was the day of my sister-in-law’s wedding and we were on our way home from the reception, reflecting on the day and the union we had witnessed. Had to capture this – God’s latest painting. Arianne D.

This photo was taken on a rare summer date night. Pulled out our bikes for the first time this year and rode along the river just to enjoy being outside in God’s creation, and get some fresh air and exercise 🙂 Arianne D.

After a summer thunderstorm, God painted this masterpiece in the sky. Arianne D.

This photo was taken yesterday in one of the fields of the farm my husband has managed for 34 years. We started leaving patches of milkweed till the end of September so the butterflies could use them. A simple thing to do for a beautiful species. Carrie J.

The tree stump, although rotten on the inside is made beautiful on the inside and spilling outward by the flowers. A walk along a gravel lane made this a striking image with newly cut wheat in the background. Dianne D.

Being active and enjoying God’s creation. Cathy K.

Think Summer. Hans S.

The beauty of a quiet lake, surrounded by mountains and blue skies, is a wonderful way to enjoy God’s majestic creation – dog included 😊 psalm 8. May God keep our land glorious and free! Rose W.

Our son is enjoying the strength of the human body; every muscle tight, mind focused on the activity before him. Yet there is vulnerability in the midst of the vastness of the blue sky above, the depth of the water under him, the intensity of the hot sun, the expanse of the lake surrounding him. Who are we compared to God’s power, splendor, and majesty? We are the crown of His creation and we are called to trust in his strength and Enjoy Him forever. Jean D.

Here the visual picture created by God speaks His written truth – the Lord is my Light (Ps 27). It is a picture that shares His glory and reminds me of His glorious promise to enter into my darkness, because even darkness is light to Him (Ps 139). Kristen A.

“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork” (Ps 19:1) Rachel V.

Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! I have always been fascinated by God’s power in a storm. The ever-changing dark clouds are a majestic scene. They unleash its fury of wind and torrents of rain driven to the ground. John V.

A beautiful rainbow adorns the sky reminding us of God’s promise of long ago that still speaks to us today. John V.

“Enjoying God” in Letchworth State Park. Renowned as the “Grand Canyon of the East” we could see evidence of the Genesis Flood through the same sedimentary layers as we had previously found in canyons in Arizona and quarries in Ontario. Not only did we find evidence of this great judgement, but also how God brings life out of death through the beautiful scenery and the 3 waterfalls. Our God is a God of Life! Andre T.

The heavens declare the glory of God!💕 Cathy K.

The sun is going down as I fly over the Fraser Valley in a small Cessna Airplane. How amazing is God’s handiwork. Jason K.

The Straight and Crooked. A lot of the time we take our Lord God for granted. There are many uses for rail lines. When I first came across this landscape, I was immediately reminded about the straight and narrow paths mentioned in Matthew 7:13&14. After a bit of contemplating, train tracks have a lot of use, such as transporting natural gas and raw materials across the whole country and sometimes continent. And yet, train tracks are not thought of on a daily basis. We rely on things to come to our doorstep and don’t even bother to think how it got there. Tara D.

Water is a common symbol in the Bible. It signifies the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Ps 105: 41 came to mind when I took this shot. How God allowed Moses to “tear open a rock and out gushed out, flowing like a river.” He calms the raging waters. Knowing this, the sound of water gives one a sense of peace. I still find a river that I can listen to when I am tired, just to hear the babbling of brooks so that His peace can wash over me. Tara D.

Three happy girls, enjoying each other in the Dominican Republic. Jason K.

Two of our daughters are enjoying nature’s breath-taking beauty as they silently paddle their boards on Babine Lake, All is calm, colourful, and pristine; God’s artistry is being revealed, reflected and enjoyed in all its splendour. Jean D.

Our son’s wakeboard skillfully cuts through the still waters of Babine Lake; our boat loudly breaks the peaceful silence of mid-day, God is giving us enjoyment in the midst of His artistry with the toys he allows man to make. How small and insignificant are the playthings of this world compared to the vastness and beauty surrounding them, but how privileged we are to enjoy Him by receiving pleasure in both at the same time. Jean D.

Michelle H.

Michelle H.

Michelle H.

“God’s abundant grace” it depicts a storm over an area and bright blue sky all around it. James V.

Foxglove bloom in my garden. Carrie J.

Cedar Waxwing is eating serviceberry this past June. Carrie J.

This large balancing rock on the coast of Long Island, NS is a striking testament of God’s creative power. Rachel V.

While on vacation, early every morning, our granddaughter asked me to walk with her to the beach. Walking hand in hand we would go to the beach, and I would sit and watch her. While she played in the sand, I was reminded of my own prayers that the Lord would lead me and watch over me throughout the day. Many times, I had this picture in my mind of walking with him hand in hand. John V.

“Enjoying God” on the ocean floor. During low tide we hiked the Tidal Pools in Bar Harbour, Maine. We found and inspected fucus, crab, shrimp, starfish and clams. We were amazed by the creativity of our Creator and the might of our Almighty God! Andre T.

Enjoying God’s blessings through the generations! Cathy K.

When I saw His picturesque creation, in the form of a delicate apple blossom, I was reminded yet again that the Lord has a plan for us each in our own time. He made the minute insects that survive from the falling flower. In this photo we see how intricate God’s hands are when He is carefully guiding this bee to be sheltered under the pedals. When we stop to gaze upon the beauty that Yahweh has created we can easily see the meticulous detail He has given us to enjoy. Tara D.

Jason K. A beautiful ending to a beautiful day in The Netherlands.