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December 8 – Separated from Egypt

“And the Angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud went from before them and stood behind them. So it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel.” – Exodus 14:19–20 

Scripture reading: Exodus 14:1-20

Egypt was a mighty empire, and its kings were used to getting what they wanted. They had the most impressive cities and building projects. Like many empires throughout history, however, their prosperity depended on slaves. When Moses finally led the nation of Israel out of slavery, Pharaoh soon realized what he was losing. But when Pharaoh’s army came after them, Israel was not alone. The LORD Himself, Jehovah, was leading them out of Egypt in a pillar of cloud (Exodus 13:21). When Pharaoh approached that evening, this cloud moved between the camps.

Can you imagine setting up camp that evening? Just a few moments ago, it had seemed that they were doomed. Fear had taken over. But that night, it did not even get dark for Israel! The cloud, which was dark to the Egyptians, was light on their side. All through the night, the LORD stood with His people. They had nothing to fear. 

Thousands of years later, Jesus would make the same journey out of Egypt as a child. His family would live in that foreign country for a time so that it could be said, “Out of Egypt, I have called my Son” (Matthew 2:15). He took the form of a slave for His people and He walked the same paths they did. He was tempted and tested, and He proved His perfect love and care for us. He is truly God Who is with us and He will never leave or forsake His people!

Suggestion for prayer

Pray that you will not slip into fear of enemies or dangers, but have faith in the God who is near to His people. 

Pastor Robert VanDoodewaard currently serves the Free Reformed Church in Powassan, Ontario, Canada as a minister of the gospel.

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